New Yr
New Yr
New Yr Plant
Civil New Yr Jews
1st Feast
2nd Feast
3rd Feast
Sukkot Taber.
Seven weeks between March/ April and May/June
606 BC
1st Jewish Year starts
in fall of 606 BC
605 BC
605 BC
Battle of Carchemish May/June
Daniel taken captive
587 BC
19 years after Daniel
was taken captive
586 BC
In the summer month of Tammuz
(Jeremiah 52:6)
Jerusalem fell and the
temple was destroyed
537 BC
After they had been
captive for sixty nine years
536 BC
The Jews were set free
to go back to Jerusalem
They were back in time
to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles
At the end of the
harvest and the beginning of the new civil year (start of 70th yr)
606 - 537 = 69 years
606 - 587 = 19
587 - 537 = 50 years
70th year started in the
Fall of 537 BC
51st year started in
Fall of 537
70 being the 10th
Sabbath year: seven meaning spiritual perfection
ten meaning divine
The 51st yr would be
the first year of a new Jubilee cycle
Israel Born
New Yr
New Yr
Christian C.
New Yr Plant
Civil New Yr Jews
Christian C
1st Feast
2nd Feast
3rd Feast
Sukkot Taber.
Seven weeks between March/ April and May/June
1st Jew yr Fall 1947
Born May
Won Jerusalem
Six day War June 5-10
19 years after becoming
a nation.
64th Independence day for Israel
May 14, 2012 Jewish year 5772
45th since Six Day War in Jewish year 5727
65th 2013 May
46th 2013 June
1967 - 1948 = 19
2016 - 1948 = 68-----5776 - 5708 = 68
2016 - 1967 =
49-----5776 - 5727 = 49
69 years counted in
May 2017
50 years are counted
June 2017
70th starts in fall of
51st starts Fall 2017
70 yr. starts in 5778
51st yr. starts
Spring (May/June: same Jewish year as late 606 BC) of 605 BC Daniel taken captive
Summer of 587 BC Temple destroyed: 19 yrs after Daniel taken captive
Summer of 537 Jews freed: 69 years since Daniel
taken captive
Summer of 537: 50 years since temple destroyed
May 1948/5708 Israel
is born
June 1967/5727 Jews win
Jerusalem in six day war: 19
yrs after born
May of 2017/5777: 69 yrs since birth of
June of 2017/5777: 50 yrs since winning war
Second temple
destroyed in the year 70AD
There was no year
If there had been the
temple would have been destroyed in the year 69AD
Matthew 1:17—So all the generations from (the generation of) Abraham to (the generation of) David [are] fourteen generations; and from (the generation of) David until the (generation of the) carrying away into Babylon [are] fourteen generations; and from the (generation of the) carrying away unto Babylon unto (the generation of) Christ [are] fourteen generations. Starting with King David they were all periods of 70 yrs (70 yrs x 7 Weeks of Feast).
Chart of Israel's Generation Compared to the Babylonian Captivity
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I like this chart, but don't understand it 100%. Are you looking for the 2nd coming in 5777 (03Oct2016-20Sept2017)? If so are you expecting a 7 year tribulation or a 42 month tribulation?
Do you have another article that explaings this more fully.
Thanks for any response.
Hi A Trusted Authority,
Yes, I do expect Jesus within that time period (Oct. 2016- Sep.2017). Of course I’m not saying that he will differently come at that time but that is what I personally believe and I pray it is so. I count the years by the Jewish calendar. I personally believe that the commandment went forth when it was proclaimed in 1948 but that doesn’t really matter because Nov. 1947 and May 1948 both fall under the Jewish year 5708.
I apologize that you don’t understand my chart completely: I am in the process of making another one that will be more understandable. What the chart is saying is that the Babylonian captivity’s seventy year coincide with the last generation but in an opposite (so to speak) way. The first exile started with Daniel being taken from Israel then 19 years later the temple was destroyed and everyone was exiled from Jerusalem. Then sixty nine years after Daniel’s captivity Cyrus (God’s anointed) came and destroyed Babylon and set the Jews free to return to Jerusalem. Their first celebrated feast day was the Feasts of Tabernacles at the beginning of the seventieth year.
In our generation Israel was born and exactly 19 years later Jerusalem was returned to the Jews. It is said that when Jesus (God’s anointed) comes he will destroy Mystery Babylon and we will celebrate the Feasts of Tabernacles. I believe that will be at the beginning of the seventieth Jewish year (5778). Every seventh year is kept holy; the seventieth year will be the tenth seventh year since Israel became a nation and it will also be the start of a new jubilee cycle.
As far as the years of tribulation I believe that when the covenant is confirmed that the tribulation period starts (the Antichrist is on the scene but we don’t know who he is yet and he is working his craftiness): lawlessness abounds and it is made manifest when the Antichrist is revealed. Jesus tells us that there will be many things happen then the Abomination of Desolation is set up which will start the forty two months of his worldly rule: there will be wars and rumor of wars, nation against nation, earthquakes in diverse places but we are not to worry these things must be first: they are the beginning of sorrows (tribulations). We seen these things begin to come to a full in Oct. 2010 that is when the first uprising happened and from that time many nations have become unstable and with that the world has turned to hating Israel with a passion. Then we see that everyday now there are many living through tribulations that are a result of persecution, fires, floods, bombs, hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, sinkholes, earthquakes, and many other things that aren’t coming to mind right now. Yes these things have been going on for centuries but not in the unprecedented way it is now.
Thanks so much for commenting!
God Bless you and yours always!
lol In the first paragraph I meant to say that I don't know if he will definitely come at that time not differently come at that time: sorry about that.
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